November 2012 - Page 7

Sexual Assault On Campus: A Bigger Problem Than It Seems

Following Angie Epifano’s account of rape in the Amherst College student newspaper, Swarthmore survivors have claimed that the college’s handling of sexual assaults mirrors Amherst’s horrific mistreatment of Epifano. Administrators and counseling sources say that in the past year and a half
November 15, 2012

Election Collection

This past Friday evening, Science Center 199 was almost full. Around 80 Swarthmore alumni, professors, students and some residents from the local community gathered to hear a talk on the just-passed presidential election. Five panelists specializing in three different fields were invited
November 15, 2012

StuCo Makes Strides To Tackle Initiatives

Amidst all the national political buzz of late, the 10 dedicated Swatties of the College’s Student Council have been working hard to deliver on past promises as well and develop new initiatives here at Swarthmore.Co-Presidents Gabby Capone ’14 and Victor Brady ’13
November 15, 2012

Does Financial Aid Satisfy?

A Swarthmore college education is expensive. Between tuition, personal expenses, books, fees, and room and board, the price between 2012 and 2013 comes out to be $58,090. It is far more than the average cost at a four-year institution in the United
November 15, 2012

A Soldier’s Silent Night

 The holiday season is upon us, and all the craziness has started. Many people are excited about being off of school for a month or off work for some time. Holiday parties, mad rushes to the stores, trimming of the Christmas tree,
November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Week Crossword

“Thanksgiving” ACROSS 1. Closeby 5. Video-chat 9. Sicilian volcano 10. Protagonist 11. Disposable handkerchief, in the singular 13. __ Bean, clothing brand 15. Thanksgiving dessert 17. Pirate affirmative 18. Military vehicle 19. “Saddle” between two mountains 21. Thanksgiving dish of light and
November 15, 2012

National Novel Writing Month at Swarthmore

Take a moment and imagine your all-time best hand at Misery Poker – the twenty-page lab report, the twenty-hour problem set, the botched pass and lost match, the breakup and the breakdowns – and add 1,667 words. Now multiply by 30. National
November 15, 2012

From Games to Reality: Q&A with Jane McGonigal

Jane McGonigal, PhD is a games developer and the author of “Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make us Better and How they Can Change the World.” Her work focuses on how social video games and collective intelligence can be used to solve
November 15, 2012
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