November 2012 - Page 16

J Street: Pro Israel, Pro Peace

A chapter of J Street, a political organization that calls itself the home for “Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace Americans,” held its first interest meeting on Friday October 26 in Kohlberg. The chapter, led by Jacob Adenbaum ’14 and Caleb Jones ’14, sees Israel’s occupation
November 1, 2012

Crum Regatta Racers Beat Sandy to the Finish

The moans from crew members entering Crum Creek on Sunday morning seemed more indicative of some tortuous rite-of-passage à la pledge season than voluntary quests for fame and glory, but as the shrill blast from the Registrar’s whistle signaled the start of
November 1, 2012

Local Teens are not Ville Rats

Stop calling local teenagers “Ville Rats.” It’s such an obviously bad phrase. It’s mean, disrespectful and goes against what we stand for as a college. We are guests in the area, and for us to show up here and stereotype a large
November 1, 2012

Tattoo Talk

Some inject heroin, I inject ink. Both have the same effect; but tattoos are more expensive and just as addictive. Everyone has scars, I just pay for mine. Some call it mutilation, I call it therapy. I have been getting tattoos for
November 1, 2012

Halloween Help from Your Professors

Maybe Sandy spoiled your weekend costume-shopping plans. Maybe your past two weeks have been midterm-ridden or paper-laden. Maybe you’re holding out for that holiday epiphany, that sudden vision of a clever, eco-friendly, socially conscious and just-so slutty costume that’s worthy of your
November 1, 2012

Free in Fall

A leaf, browned and stiff, detaches. Having surrendered the solid security of a tree branch, it has naught but the autumn breeze to hold onto. The wrinkles and folds that the mere idea of winter etched now determine its path: an irregular spiral
November 1, 2012

Dear Nestor: Scared Senior

Dear Nestor, I’m a senior applying for jobs and I’m scared that I sound juvenile in my interviews. My interviewers never react to what I’m saying, which makes me think that they aren’t interested, even though I think I’m talking about the most
November 1, 2012

Sandy and Seniors settling in (Wharton) CD

I live in Wharton CD first, an exclusively senior hall in an exclusively—minus one junior—senior section. The trade-off for the lack of awkward leaning-in-the-doorway-chatting-with-someone-in-the-room interactions that vamp up the noise level of the hall is that hall life is virtually non-existent.At this
November 1, 2012

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