November 2012 - Page 12

Bibliobabble: Pulitzer 2010

The finalists for the 2010 Pulitzer award were all unorthodox books. The winner of the 2010 Fiction Pulitzer was “Tinkers” by Paul Harding, with the other two finalists being “Love in Infant Monkeys” by Lydia Millet, and “In Other Rooms, Other Wonders”
November 8, 2012

Techno Legend Lights Up Electric Factory

When Richie Hawtin stepped up to the decks at 1 a.m., the ebullient crowd at Philadelphia’s Electric Factory concert hall did not restrain itself. The Berlin-based techno DJ is one of the most celebrated figures in the history of electronic music, but
November 8, 2012

There Is Fun To Be Done: Forget Your Bucket List

Someone once said,  “Life is not a journey to the grave with the intentions of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming … WOW! What
November 8, 2012

The Director and the Dramaturg: Upcoming Productions

Interview with Kari Olmon ’13 for her Dramaturgy Thesis Senior Kari Olmon’s dramaturgy thesis project, a staged reading of her original play, “The Intense Fragility,” will be performed Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. in the LPAC Frear. Jeannette Leopold: Kari, would
November 8, 2012

Post-Election, America Confronted With The Unknown

As media analysts from Karl Rove to James Fallows predicted, the outcome of Tuesday’s election has already had a profound impact on the American economy. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported one of the sharpest spikes in unemployment in history, with
November 8, 2012

Confidential to a Friend

I was very upset when I received your letter this week, X. I had no idea that this was what you’ve been going through for the last two years. I apologize for not being a more attentive friend; I truly was clueless.
November 8, 2012

Tuesday Night a Victory for Individual Liberty

No matter what the Republican talking heads are saying, Tuesday was an excellent night for liberty. In three states same-sex marriage was recognized, and in two recreational marijuana was legalized. Minnesota defeated a voter ID law, and pro-life extremists Todd Akin and
November 8, 2012
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