Hot Diggity Dog: Ruth Krakower and Charlie

October 4, 2012

Meet Ruth Krakower, Director of Alumni and Gift Records, and her two-and-a-half-year-old English Cocker Spaniel, Charlie.

Ruth had wanted an English Cocker Spaniel since seeing one at a dog show. Although she had originally planned on adopting, she realized that English Cocker Spaniels were difficult to find at rescue centers. So instead, Ruth got Charlie from a local breeder. He was previously named Penwood Fields of Gold; Pennwood was the name assigned by his breeder, and “Fields of Gold” was after a popular Sting song.The small-enough-to-sit-on-your-hands (let’s “awww” for a moment) puppy was welcomed into the Krakower family when he was ten weeks old. At home, Charlie is just one of 10 pets. Ruth also has nine cats that Charlie grew up with and absolutely adores. They often play chase together and are one big happy family.

Charlie often accompanies Ruth to work. “The College is really great in letting us do this,” noted Ruth. Like many of her co-workers, she, too, sees bringing her dog onto campus as a great stress reliever. There is never a rush to get home since her dear friend is right by her side. Since Charlie spends four out of five days a week in Ruth’s office, it’s as if he is also on the clock.

Charlie is also great friends with the beloved bookstore dogs, George and Ali — or shall we call them co-workers? He spends one weekday in Barker’s Lounge, a doggy day care popular among Swat’s many dog owners.

Charlie has many cute and cuddly qualities. He always has his pink stuffed monkey, a purchase made at Swat’s Trash 2 Treasure sale. It’s like a security blanket for him, and he even carries it to get on and off the car trip to campus. He is also a big fan of Phineas the Phoenix, who is like another toy to Charlie. Tummy rubs, kisses and Charlie Bear treats are also some of Charlie’s favorites. Overall, he is very calm and rarely barks. He always enjoys making new friends, so feel free to visit him in Sproul 101!

Ruth is a member of the English Cocker Spaniel Fancier’s Club, where she is a treasurer. The 48 members participate in events such as raising money for causes like protective vests for police dogs. Members have myriad interests, including showing dogs, bringing them along for hunting trips or just loving them like their own children.

I originally met Charlie last year when he and Ruth found my keys. He had been going out on his midday walk, when he spotted my keys on the ground. Ruth then contacted Workbox, and I avoided paying a hefty fine. Thanks a ton!

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