May 2010

War News Radio Funding Halved

The President’s Office will cut hours for War News Radio’s professional journalist-in-residence position for the next fiscal year. The position, currently held by Iraqi journalist Abdulla Mizead, will go from full-time to part-time.
May 21, 2010

Editors’ Note(s): Farewell

We, the graduating senior editors of the Gazette -- Ramya Gopal, Jack Keefe, and Urooj Khan -- are taking this opportunity in the last issue of the semester to bid our e-farewells to all the folks (both e- and real alike) who’ve
May 21, 2010

SBC Budgeting Results From 2000-2010

Each year, the Student Budget Committee holds Spring Budgeting, two twelve-hour days in late March or early April that determine the vast majority of student group spending for the next year. This year, the committee opened the process to journalists, and also
May 21, 2010

Chopp Inaugurated as 14th President of Swarthmore

On Saturday, May 8th, 2010, Rebecca Chopp was installed as Swarthmore’s 14th president. The inauguration came after a year of serving as the college's president, during which time President Chopp met with countless students, faculty, staff, and alumni to hear their ideas
May 21, 2010

Profile on Rebecca Chopp

Rebecca Chopp’s inauguration as president of Swarthmore College will be held on May 8th. The theme of the inauguration is "Hope in the Age of Clamor: Leadership, Liberal Arts and the Common Good." As she moves forward in her career, she does
May 7, 2010

Night of Scenes, Russian Fairy Tales, Jambo, and More

As the semester comes to a frenzied, panicked close, students showcase the efforts of their semester. There were several exciting performances last week, including the a capella Jamboree, Directing II's Night of Scenes, and the Poetry Workshop's final reading.
May 7, 2010

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