April 2010 - Page 3

Educational Policy Representative: Daniel Cho ’13

In order to maintain Swarthmore as an academic institution that listens and adheres to the student’s needs, I would like to continue the schools’ tradition of academic excellence through the relevant and significant changes I intend to make as an educational policy
April 20, 2010

Campus Life Representative: Elizabeth Bryant ’13

Every day I witness the intelligent dialogues that occur often between students; the conversations that tie us to one another, and allow us to develop ourselves as reactive intellectuals within Swat’s richly diverse and academic space. The power behind this form of
April 20, 2010

President: Simon Zhu ’11

As the SBC Manager I have worked with representatives from over one hundred chartered groups, and have developed a good understanding of the activities and events they organize. Additionally, I am quite familiar with many of the student run services, having overseen
April 20, 2010

Singer Zee Avi Closes APIA Month

Swarthmore students crammed into Olde Club to listen to artist Zee Avi this past Saturday. Her performance was the final SAO event of Asian/Pacific Islander American Heritage Month. Self-described as "pocket-sized," Avi captivated the audience with her jazzy sound and incredible stage
April 19, 2010

The Phoenix through the Ages

Our oldest campus newspaper was first published in 1881, rising from the ashes of the Great Fire of Parrish. In its earliest form, the Phoenix was more of a literary journal than a newspaper as we think of it today.
April 19, 2010

Swarthmore Hosts Fencing National Championship

The Swarthmore Fencing Team hosted the US Association of Collegiate Fencing Clubs (USACFC) National Championships this past weekend. The USACFC nationals is the largest college fencing event in the world: over 700 athletes compete, representing 41 colleges and universities from all over
April 16, 2010

Blood Weddings and BalletX

Whether Swattie, Swattie-to-be, once-a-Swattie, Swattie-at-heart, or never-going-to-be-a-Swattie, the weather is fine, and you—yeah you!—should be enjoying it. Or, you could go to these sweet arts events. There are a plethora of activities to enjoy on and off campus this weekend; here are
April 16, 2010

Bodas De Sangre: Cycles of Role-Playing and Revenge

Bodas de Sangre (Blood Wedding) surges with passion and poetry, and McFeely Sam Goodman's original production vividly captures the turbulent desires and fears of characters plunging towards a shared catastrophe. The Honors Directing Thesis of Goodman '10 situates Federico García Lorca's powerful
April 16, 2010
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