December 2009

Wilcox and Sams Leaving for NYU Abu Dhabi

Earlier this month, two members of the Dean's Office - Tim Sams and Kelly Wilcox - announced that they would be leaving Swarthmore for positions at NYU Abu Dhabi. They will join former Swarthmore administrators Al Bloom and Jim Larimore, who began
December 21, 2009

300 Students Stuck on Campus Because of Snow Storm

Three hundred students found themselves unable to leave campus by the normal deadline of Saturday afternoon as a blizzard covered the entire East Coast with snow. Dean of Students Garikai Campbell and Housing Coordinator Rachel Head cooked breakfast for those students on
December 21, 2009

The Daily Gazette is Hiring for Spring 2010

The Daily Gazette is always on the look-out for more staff members, whether you want to be extraordinarily prolific or an occasional, thoughtful contributor. In particular, we have positions for reporters, photographers, videographers, and web developers, but if you have some other
December 17, 2009

Breakfast at Hobbs’ Coffee: A Good Call

As I was out of meals as of yesterday, I walked down to the Ville to grab breakfast. As I was returning, I noticed that Hobbs' Coffee was open, so I decided to swing by and check it out. GOOD CALL!
December 11, 2009

Board of Managers Approves Budget Cuts

The Board of Managers convened Friday and Saturday to review the Ad-Hoc Committee’s proposed $8 million budget cuts, eventually approving the cuts in full. The Ad-Hoc Committee warned that, given the 16.8% loss to endowment during the 2008-09 fiscal year, approximately $8
December 10, 2009

Diverse Display of Student Vision at Kitao Photo Opening

“Making art is about community and communication. You can create a project and leave it in a box under your bed, but the students' ultimate satisfaction comes from being able to share [their] work,” said visiting professor of studio art Jessica Todd
December 9, 2009
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