November 2009 - Page 5

Swat Receives B+ in Sustainability

Swarthmore earned a B+ on the College Sustainability Report Card for 2010, which was released in October. The grade is a step up from last year’s B-; it was reached through a survey of nine categories such as “green building,” “student involvement,”
November 11, 2009


From McCabe to Sharples to Cornell -- hey, where else do we spend our time? -- love can strike anywhere at Swarthmore.
November 11, 2009

It’s Time to leave Afghanistan

Like the overwhelming majority of conservative commentators, David Brooks of The New York Times has come out in favor of sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan. Underlying his perspective is a tacit, and utterly wrong, assumption: that winning in Afghanistan is crucial
November 10, 2009

The Power of Caricature: Victor Navasky ’54

Victor Navasky ’54, former editor of The Nation, delivered the annual McCabe lecture Monday night titled, “The Art of Controversy: or why caricatures may be worth 10,000 words.” The lecture explored why the so-called “low art” of caricature manages to have such
November 10, 2009

Girl Talk – Fall LSE 2009

The mashup artist Girl Talk came to Swarthmore on Saturday for the semester's Large Scale Event. Photos and video clips.
November 9, 2009

New Quidditch Team Hoping For Eventual Intercollegiate Play

Three freshmen are organizing a Quidditch team, based on the game from the Harry Potter books, but sadly without flying brooms. Many other colleges around the country have such teams. An interest meeting Wednesday had many enthusiastic attendees.
November 5, 2009

Weekend Round-up: DJs and One-Act Plays

‘Sup, Swatties? It’s Friday, again, which means it’s time for another Weekend Round-up! This weekend is going to be sunny and cool, so grab your sweaters (and maybe a soccer ball or Frisbee) and get outside! Or, you could perhaps attend some
November 5, 2009
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