Music, Symposia, Parlor Parties (with and without chickens), and the 4xDonut

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

Gratitude Week, sponsored by Speak 2 Swatties, was last week. (Photos by Jiuxing June Xie unless otherwise noted.)
The Montreal band Shtreiml played music that melded klezmer, blues, and rock in Olde Club last Thursday night.
The High School Conversations program mentored low-income Asian students from Bodine High School during College Day last Saturday.
The annual 4xDonut race challenges participants to alternate running a lap of the track with eating a donut, of various types.
The Global Neighbors project discussed its volunteer projects abroad and locally at a Parlor Party last weekend.
The Olde Club Cover Show on Saturday featured student bands playing covers of various songs.
The a capella concert last Saturday featured Grapevine...
...and Essence of Soul.
The Village Education Projects held a fundraiser Sunday night, including a $5 buffet and a raffle. They raised over $1900, which they said was enough to sponsor ten Ecuadorian children for a year of high school.
Good Food and Swarthmore Chickens (aka SwatChix) held a Parlor Party with local food and chickens to play with on Wednesday. Photo by Brendan Work.
Students at the Chickens Parlor Party on Wendesday.
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