The Sager Symposium has been part of the Swarthmore calendar for the last 21 years, but it may look different--or disappear entirely--in the future. Richard Sager '73 has spurred a conversation about revisiting the original purposes of his gift and thinking about
Dear Duke of Swarthmore: So today in my Analysis of Queer Pacific Islander Literature of the 19th Century seminar, someone projected their conception of the self onto my self, but to me their own self signifies the other, so like, if the
Valentine’s day weekend means different things to different people. For some, it’s a sentimental commercialized holiday of minimal importance and loosely tied to a saint who no one seems to talk about. For others, it means you can look forward to cheap
Stephen Graf ’s honors solo performance thesis, “About Face: Marking the Unmarked” is a challenging piece for performer and viewer that treads the fine lines of race-relations from a specifically white ‘lens.’
In the beginning of the semester, the Swarthmore Alumni Relations Office held a student art contest where students would submit their photographs, paintings, and other artistic media that they thought evoked the essence of Swarthmore College.
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