December 2008 - Page 2

Vinegar Tom, in Pictures

This weekend, Senior Company is presenting Caryl Churchill’s “Vinegar Tom,” which combines a historical drama of a 17th century witch-hunt with modern issues and energizing modern musical vignettes. "Vinegar Tom” struck the group as an outstanding pick since it was written in
December 8, 2008

Behind the Scenes: Chef Ben

Benton Peak, better and more affectionately known as Chef Ben, has been providing Swarthmore students with meals for five years. The Daily Gazette sat down with Chef Ben to find out more about the man behind Caribbean bar.
December 8, 2008

Behind the Scenes: Demystifing Donny

Don Thomas, better known as Donny, is a familiar face behind the grill at Sharples. The Daily Gazette sat down with this father of three and grandfather of three to discuss his past, and his unique perspectives on Swarthmore and on life
December 8, 2008

No Pants December a Hit

On December 1st, a group of Swarthmore students kicked off No Pants December by forsaking jeans for an entire month.
December 7, 2008

Senior Company’s “Vinegar Tom,” a Witchhunt Begins

Community ties in a small agrarian community in 17th century England begin to crumble as villagers take out frustrations on one another and search for a scapegoat. Performances will be in the Frear Ensemble Theater at 8 pm on Friday, December 5th,
December 5, 2008

Bryn Mawr Prof Discusses Queer Asian-American Sexuality

A few dozen students attended Nguyen Tan Hoang's lecture and multimedia presentation exploring the intersection of visual culture and queer male Asian American identity on Wednesday evening. His films all explore what he called "my own sense of perverse identification with pop
December 3, 2008

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