Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
Our staff has scoured the ‘net, looking for interesting websites to share.
If you have any suggestions, send us an email at dailygazette@swarthmore.edu, or drop a message in our contact form. If you like this feature, we’ll keep it going.
The Phrontistery
This site is a collection of “obscure words and vocabulary resources.” It has long lists of different words for chariots, forms of government, fabric, and even shapes. Did you know that a gat is an opening or strait between two sandbanks?
Just think—nobody will ever be able to beat you at Scrabble ever again.
The Evolution of Tech Companies’ Logos
See how some of the world’s biggest companies developed their logo over time. Did you know that the original Apple Inc. logo feature Isaac Newton, about to be assaulted by an apple?
Modofly’s Moleskines
Every other person at Swarthmore seems to carry around a moleskine notebook. This online shop offers unique laser-etched notebooks depicting lions, train engines, heraldry, and even a unicorn. They might not be cheap, but at least your notebook will be unique at Swarthmore.
How Americans Spend Their Money
This site pretty much explains itself. The New York Times examined the spending habits of many American households. The bottom fifth of Americans spend $18,153 per year on a pre-tax income of $9,974. The highest fifth spend $69,863, with pre-tax income of $149.963.
The top fifth spends most of its money on financial flows—pension contributions, mortgage principal, etc.-while the bottom fifth spends most of its money on housing, transportation, and food.
A Primeval Tide of Toxins
As pollutants flow into the world’s oceans, the LA Times has found that the seas are reverting to a primeval state, with lower life forms (like algae) out-competing coral and fish.
If we aren’t lucky, the entire world might be eating jelly-fish-sticks in a few decades, as most advanced species would be extinct.
Swarthmore Student Life
This site is a real gem, but not many Swatties seem to know it exists. The site gives all “Swarthmoreans” a list of 75 things to do before graduation. However, since the rest of the TriCo has moved to get Martin Luther King day off, I’m not sure how much longer everyone will be able to do the first thing on the list–start classes each semester on a national holiday.
The logo one is super cool. Quick, what/when was the first Google doodle? (And are we really calling them that?…)