September 2007 - Page 2

Peaslee Responds to Last Year’s Vandalism

Peaslee's annual novice tournament starts this afternoon. Last year the debate tournament party resulted in three citations for underage drinking and significant vandalism, including one student who urinated on a door. Peaslee is changing some policies this year in order to prevent
September 28, 2007

Sports Update 9/27

Volleyball: Swarthmore 3, Washington 0 Field Hockey: Swarthmore 4, Washington 3 Men's Soccer: Swarthmore 2, Washington 0
September 27, 2007

Ping Pong Club Is Coming

Swarthmore has seen many interesting club sports in the past, but has been sorely missing the old favorite of table tennis. All that is to change under the direction of [...]
September 27, 2007

Where is the Big Chair *now*?

The Big Chair once again disappeared from our verdant Parrish Beach sometime last week. It is much too early for it's winter hibernation-- so where indeed is that iconic monstrous [...]
September 26, 2007

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