Unfortunately for everyone who has ever asked you if you go to "that girls' school in upstate New York," they have no excuse. Swarthmore was co-educational from the very beginning. [...]
With the ominous sniffle or muffled cough ringing in the winter season, the inauguration of Swat Clean Hands arrives at the perfect time. Swat Clean Hands is an organization headed [...]
Mephistos, the Willets lounge, was home to a large and enthusiastic crowd Tuesday night as politically minded Swatties crowded around the big screen television to watch the midterm election results [...]
Once upon a time, circa 1927, Atlantic Monthly published an article called "Revolt of a Middle-Aged Father" in which a I.M. Rubinow set down his observations of Swarthmore. He was [...]
On Monday night, Swarthmore Students Supporting Life sponsored a lecture by lawyers Nikolas Nikas and Dorinda Bordlee of the Bioethics Defense Fund entitled "Bioethics at the Brink: Partial-Birth Abortion and [...]
Whether you pronounce the "r" or not, maybe you have wondered where the name of our beloved school came from. Swarthmore was named after Swarthmoor Hall, found in Cumbria, England [...]
The structure with green walls and a bamboo roof that can sometimes be seen at the back entrance to Sharples is a sukkah, a word which means "tent" or "booth" [...]
Each element sounds fascinating: a fun plot about dueling magicians, a Victorian setting, director Christopher Nolan (of "Memento" fame), Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale as said magicians. Together, all at [...]
One need look no farther than Swarthmore's own beautiful campus this weekend if you happen to be interested in some cultural fare or just plain old entertainment. In addition to [...]
On Thursday afternoon Burt Manning, chairman emeritus of the Advertising Educational Foundation, came to the Science Center to talk about the influence of political advertising on public discourse today. Manning [...]
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