The Scheuer Room was packed full for the second of the "Perspectives on the Humanities" lecture, presented by Lawrence Weschler on the topic of "Serenity and Terror in Vermeer, and [...]
He enters. An unimposing man squatting by the side of the stage watching an open-mic arises and takes on the role of Regie Cabico, poet, comedian, performance artist, and general [...]
Doug Herren, a noted ceramicist, will be displaying his artwork at the List Gallery from now until November 6. The Gallery held a well-attended reception this past Friday to showcase [...]
Ben Brantley '77, the chief theater critic of the New York Times, spoke Friday on the state of Broadway (dire) and theater generally (not quite so dire). Brantley posited that [...]
The Swarthmore Peace Collection recently unveiled an exhibit in McCabe's glass display cases. Titled "Celebrating 75 Years of the Swarthmore Peace Collection," it focuses on the ways that researchers have [...]
This week is Arts & Culture Week in Philadelphia, meaning lots of cheap or even free entertainment in the city. Many prominent organizations are offering half price tickets, such as [...]
For the first time in recent memory, Swarthmore will take part in a distinguished tradition: there will be a screening of the cult classic "Rocky Horror Picture Show", famous for [...]
It's difficult to walk to class these days without stepping on flamboyant expressions claiming "homo love is the best kind of love" or "Boys will do boys". This week marks [...]
The Department of Economics is hosting a conference entitled "Economic Theory and Public Policy," which will take place October 21-22, in honor of Professor Bernard Saffran, who passed away last [...]
Swarthmore is world renowned for its high levels of stress among the student body. However, along with papers, midterms and social pressures, there is a new cause for dread on [...]
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