October 2005 - Page 2

Fantastic ceramics: Doug Herren at the List

Doug Herren, a noted ceramicist, will be displaying his artwork at the List Gallery from now until November 6. The Gallery held a well-attended reception this past Friday to showcase [...]
October 24, 2005

Swarthmore Peace Collection struts its stuff

The Swarthmore Peace Collection recently unveiled an exhibit in McCabe's glass display cases. Titled "Celebrating 75 Years of the Swarthmore Peace Collection," it focuses on the ways that researchers have [...]
October 24, 2005

Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are

It's difficult to walk to class these days without stepping on flamboyant expressions claiming "homo love is the best kind of love" or "Boys will do boys". This week marks [...]
October 21, 2005

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