Thursday, September 4, 1997

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Thursday, September 4, 1997
Volume 2, Number 4


1)  Jukebox mania at Sharples

2)  Student Council back to full strength after resignation

3)  World news roundup


1)  Men’s soccer loses to Holy Family

2)  Women’s soccer preview


Today:     Sunny early, cloudy later, and quite breezy. High of 69.
            A good day for kite-flying.
Tonight:   Cool and clear. Low of 52.
            Stargazing makes a good study break, but wear a sweater.
Tomorrow:  Sunny and warmer. High of 74.


An article in yesterday’s edition of the Gazette erroneously used the
pronouns “she” and “her” to refer to Tim Sams, assistant dean and director
of the Black Cultural Center. The pronouns “he” and “his” should have been
used instead. The incorrect information came from the Student Handbook,
and the Gazette neglected to check it. Also, the same article could be
interpreted as stating that Associate Dean Joy Charlton is no longer on
Swarthmore’s faculty. In fact, she remains a tenured faculty member.


1)  Jukebox mania in Sharples

Potato bar is rocking and rolling as never before thanks to the recent
addition of a jukebox to the servery. The jukebox stands adjacent to the
grill area, and features selections by older artists such as the Beatles,
Donna Summer, Neil Diamond, Gary Puckett, and the Beach Boys. “All of us
[on the staff] basically brought in our old 45’s to fill it up,” said Linda
McDougall, director of Dining Services.

According to McDougall, the jukebox belongs to friends of one of the
managers. “Her friends were moving,” she explained, “and they offered her
the use of the jukebox. She thought it would be nice if it were placed
here.” The machine is on loan to the College for “as long as we’d like.”

Dining Services had entertained the idea of putting up a stereo system in
Sharples last year in all three dining rooms, but abandoned the idea
because of the disturbance it would have caused. “Students may want to
study or talk with their friends while they eat, and they couldn’t do that
with music playing everywhere,” said McDougall.

The jukebox was placed in the servery area to avoid such problems. “This
way we don’t bother students while they’re eating, but they can listen to
music while they’re getting food if they want,” said McDougall. “It’s
good–it helps when you have to stand in line for so long,” agreed Jen
Kidwell ’01.

Some students do feel that the jukebox creates problems; Rachel Sullivan
’99 feels that “the idea is nice, but the extra noise is unpleasant.”

One employee commented that the staff really liked the jukebox, but felt
that the same songs were played over and over again. Some students agreed:
“I like the music, but they need to get some new stuff–I’ve heard that
‘California Girls’ song so many times,” said Bart Scott ’01. McDougall said
that Dining Services is “more than happy to put new music on it, if people
have the records [45’s].”


2)  Student Council back to full strength after resignation

Student Council met Tuesday night to address several issues, including the
resignation of co-chair Mandara Meyers’ ’99. According to the rules of the
Student Council Constitution, the Council decided that the runner-up in
last year’s election for charter chair will assume Meyers’ responsibilities
on the Council because Meyers never technically took office (she resigned
before the first meeting.)  Melissa Amir-Arjomand ’00 has accepted the
position and will take office immediately. Meyers defeated Amir-Arjomand in
a tight election campaign last spring.

Down to one chairperson after Meyers’ departure, the Council decided to
hold a meeting from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. this Sunday to discuss the selection
of a co-chair.

Besides this internal business, Student Council also created liaisons to
student groups. Council members chose to serve as liaisons to campus groups
they had ties to, in order to facilitate communications between student
groups and the Council.


3)  World news roundup


Arizona Gov. Fife Symington was found guilty Wednesday of seven counts of
fraud in connection with a scheme to save his real estate empire, and his
lawyer said the Republican would leave office Friday. Under the state
constitution, he would have been forced to leave office when his conviction
became official at his Nov. 10 sentencing, when he could receive a lengthy
prison term and millions of dollars in fines. A federal jury convicted
Symington of submitting false financial statements to banks that gave him
loans of over $100 million, but it acquitted him of a charge that he tried
to use the power of the governor’s office to extort concessions from a
pension fund to which he owed $10 million. Secretary of State Jane Hull,
also a Republican, will take over as governor.


A bomb destroyed a car belonging to the Cypriot embassy Wednesday in Athens
in the second attack this week against the city’s bid to host the 2004
Summer Olympics. On Sunday, the entrance to the building housing the Greek
Olympic Committee’s headquarters was firebombed. No one was hurt in either
of the two blasts, for which a leftist group claimed responsibility.
Stockholm, another city seeking to host the 2004 Games, has suffered a
series of eight arson attacks this year followed by bombings at two
stadiums in an apparent effort to derail Olympic plans. A group that
claimed responsibility for the Swedish bombings said it wanted money spent
on social problems rather than the Olympics.



1)  Men’s soccer loses to Holy Family

 Despite new coach Pete Dicce, more aggressive strategies, and a deeper
team than last year, the men’s soccer team lost its first match against
Holy Family yesterday afternoon, 4-0. Goalkeeper Adam MacBeth ’99 recorded
two saves during the game. Captains James Chen, Matt Halpern, and Mike
Shall, all ’98, hope to bring the team back to its winning ways at the Drew
Tournament this weekend, where the team plays Colby-Sawyer College on
Saturday and Drew University on Sunday.

2)  Women’s soccer preview

This year’s women’s soccer team is returning all but one starter and has
added five first years. Under returning coach Alex Ely, the team’s three
senior captains, Claire Baxter, Sarah Jaquette, and Betsy Rosenbaum, will
lead the team into their first games of the season this Saturday at home in
a doubleheader called the Swat Kick Classic. Kick-off is at noon against
Goucher College.


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Sam Schulhofer-Wohl

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This concludes today’s report.

Copyright 1997 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.

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