Friday, September 5, 1997

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Friday, September 5, 1997
Volume 2, Number 5


1)  Update on the head librarian and dean searches

2)  The orchestra gets a new conductor

3)  World news roundup

4) Weekend party plans


1)  Women’s volleyball preview


Today:  Clear and bright.  High close to 80.
                                               Its a beautiful day; go
outside and enjoy it.
Tonight:  Clear and dark.  Low of 55.
                                                        Its getting cold
at night; stay inside and deal with it.
Extended Weekend Forecast:
Saturday:  Sunshine early, then becoming overcast. High near 80.
Sunday:  Partly Cloudy, possibly some rain.  High in the 70’s.


1)  Head librarian and dean searches continue

After delaying the search to find a new head librarian by a year, the
Librarian Search Committee is now reviewing incoming applications this
semester. According to Barry Schwartz, the Associate Provost and head of
the committee, the members decided to postpone the search in order to plan
the future of libraries, computing, and media technology.  The committee
expects to have preliminary evaluations of the candidates by the end of
September. Michael Durkan, who was the previous head librarian, died
unexpectedly the summer of 1996.

The Dean Search Committee headed up by Mark Jacobs has not begun accepting
applications.  Jacobs could not be reached for comment.


2)  The orchestra gets a new conductor

The orchestra is starting the semester off with a new conductor.  Sarah
Ioannides, a member of the Curtis Institute of Music’s conducting program,
was hired last spring to replace Arne Running, who wanted to spend more
time composing original work.

The orchestra students officially met Ioannides for the first time this
past Monday and the response has been enthusiastic.  Rebecca Green ’98
explained, “She’s really refreshing because she’s young, excited and has
high expectations for the orchestra.”

In addition to conducting, Ioannides is teaching the ear training lab for
the theory and composition courses. The orchestra’s first performance will
be December 6.


3)  World news roundup


Explosions Thursday in the heart of Jerusalem killed seven people,
including three suicide bombers, and injured 192. The military wing of
Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, but the group’s political
leaders denied involvement. The bombs sprayed nails into a crowd of
shoppers and tourists in the Ben-Yehuda pedestrian mall, near a market
where 17 people died in a July 30 bombing. Israel closed its borders with
the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, just two days after easing restrictions
imposed after the July attack.


The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday allowed a California law that ends
affirmative action programs to stay in effect, rejecting without comment
requests from civil rights groups and the city of San Francisco that the
high court block the law until it decides later this year whether to hear
challenges. Proposition 209, which voters approved in November, took effect
last week after a U.S. appeals court overturned a federal judge’s ruling
that the law was unconstitutional. Opponents argue that Proposition 209
denies governmental bodies the authority to redress discrimination in
constitutional ways, but the appeals court held that the measure is neutral
and promotes equality.


4) Weekend party plans

The Social Affairs Committee is funding one activity this weekend, SAC
members said. The event is:

*a party Friday night in Upper Tarble

All SAC-funded events are free and open to the entire student body.



1)  Women’s volleyball preview

The women’s volleyball team is working hard to get their 12 returning
members and their many new freshmen ready for what captain Jordan Hay ’98
predicts will be a great season. Hay, a setter, says that she “hasn’t seen
a freshman class this good the whole time [she’s] been here.” The other
captains are Holly Barton ’99, an outside hitter, and Heather Stickney ’98,
a middle hitter. Due to the floor reconstruction in the gym, the team, led
by coach Larry Perry, is forced to practice from 5:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. at
a local healthplex. They also will be unable to have home meets until the
very end of the season when the gym floor is finished. Their first game is
scheduled for September 12 at Wilmington University.


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Board of Editors
Fred Bush
Kate Doty
Aarti Iyer
Jennifer Klein
Karen Lloyd
Sarah McClure
Lorrin Nelson
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl

Rafi Dowty

The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
group of Swarthmore College students. Technical support from the Swarthmore
College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

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This concludes today’s report.

Copyright 1997 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.

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