Tuesday, December 2, 1997

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The Daily Gazette

Swarthmore College
Tuesday, December 2, 1997
Volume 2, Number 59


1)  Football coach resigns at College’s request

2)  Student directories contain error

3)  World news roundup


1)  Men’s basketball returns empty-handed from tournament

2)  Today’s and tomorrow’s contests


Today:    Mostly sunny, quite windy. High around 45.
           A perfect day for sailing.
Tonight:  Clear, wind decreasing. Low near 25.
           Oh, wait — no lake, no boat, no skill, too cold. Never mind.


1)  Football coach resigns at College’s request

Karl Miran resigned as head football coach last week at the College’s
request, according to a statement released Monday by Tom Krattenmaker,
director of public relations. Miran, a tenured faculty member, will take a
sabbatical leave to explore other coaching opportunities, after which he
has the option of returning to his teaching position in the physical
education department.

“Most players support the decision (to request Miran’s resignation),” said
defensive lineman Tom Forstik ’00. “This is just one step out of many that
needs to be accomplished in order to rebuild the team.”

Miran’s resignation comes after eight seasons of coaching, the last two of
which were winless. “I was not asked to step down because we lost,” Miran
wrote in a letter sent Monday to the football team, but the losing streak
“creates problems and perceptions that must be overcome.” He continued,
“At the conclusion of this season I looked forward eagerly to the
challenge of re-building the football program at Swarthmore,” but the
College believes that “re-building can go forward better with a new face
at the helm.”

Miran’s football career includes playing as an offensive lineman at
Middlebury College. He served as assistant coach at Middlebury and Lehigh,
as head coach at the University School in Cleveland and as offensive
coordinator at Amherst College before coming to Swarthmore.

Miran compiled a 25-51-1 career record at Swarthmore. The Garnet went 7-3
in his first season in 1990, and in 1992 the team finished second in the
Centennial Conference with a 4-2-1 record. Swarthmore now has a
20-game losing streak.

“Karl Miran is a good person and a fine man, and he has worked hard on
behalf of our football program and our total athletic program,” said
Athletic Director Robert Williams in the statement. “He has been truly
dedicated to the College and its mission.” According to Williams, the
search for Miran’s replacement will begin immediately.


2)  Student directories contain error

Some states’ ZIP codes were printed incorrectly in the directory that
lists students’ home addresses, said Nancy Ochs, senior recorder in the
registrar’s office. ZIP codes for states in the Northeast — from New
Jersey to Maine — are missing the first zero, according to Ochs, because
the directory was compiled with the computer program Excel, which
automatically deletes the first zero in number sequences.

The directories have been available for two weeks at the registrar’s
office, but many students haven’t picked them up yet. “The main problem is
that freshmen and sophomores don’t know it even exists,” said Ochs. “We
didn’t print one last year, so it’s really only the juniors and seniors
that have been coming in to pick them up.” The office couldn’t produce a
directory last year because several staff members were sick for weeks at a
time, according to Ochs.

The registrar’s office cannot print the directory until all students
have returned cards with their home addresses at the beginning of the
year, according to Ochs, but because the office is so busy during
registration and the add-drop period, the directory usually does not come
out until October or November.


3)  World news roundup


Stock markets climbed sharply higher Monday, with the Dow Jones industrial
average crossing the 8,000 mark for the first time since Oct. 22, after the
Commerce Department and a national business organization released
weaker-than-expected economic reports. The Commerce Department said
spending on new construction projects increased only 0.1 percent in
October. Meanwhile, the National Association of Purchasing Management said
its index of manufacturing activity, which is usually the first available
indicator of economic activity in the month just ended, fell to 54.4 in
November from 56.0 in October. The Dow average rose 189.98 points to close
at 8,013.11 on the news.


President Clinton announced Monday that Vice President Al Gore would
represent the United States at global warming talks in Kyoto, Japan, and
Gore announced that the United States would stick to its principles and
walk away from any treaty it does not deem workable. In a sudden turnabout,
U.S. officials also announced they would consider setting different
emissions targets for different nations. The change pleased Japan, which is
more energy-efficient than average and favors setting targets based on
per-capita emissions, but European delegates worried the plan would let the
United States get away with reducing emissions less than Europe.


U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan recommended Monday that the Security
Council increase, by an unspecified amount, how much oil Iraq may export to
buy food.  … A three-day conference on gold looted by the Nazis opens
today in London; historians there will discuss, among other things, a
report in Monday’s editions of The New York Times that the United States
melted down gold buttons and other objects stolen from the Nazis’ victims,
then gave the gold to European central banks. … Two teens were killed and
six wounded — one critically — on Monday when a student opened fire on
classmates conducting a prayer meeting at a high school in West Paducah, Ky.



1)  Men’s basketball returns empty handed from tournament

Union College beat the men’s basketball team 78-62 in the consolation
round of the Chuck Resler tournament on Sunday. The Garnet started out
strong, ending the first half with a 30-27 lead, but the team was
outscored in the second half. J.J. Purdy ’99 scored 13 points, made 10
rebounds and was named to the all-tournament team.

Swarthmore earlier lost 66-50 to Savannah Art and Design in the
tournament, held at Rochester.


2)  Today’s and tomorrow’s contests

Women’s basketball hosts Washington at 7 p.m.

Men’s basketball travels to Johns Hopkins for an 8 p.m. game.
Both swim teams host University of Pennsylvania at 5:30 p.m.


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The Daily Gazette
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Fred Bush
Kate Doty
Aarti Iyer
Karen Lloyd
Lorrin Nelson
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl

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Trang Pham

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The Daily Gazette is published Monday through Friday by an independent
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College Computer Society is gratefully acknowledged.

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This concludes today’s report.

Copyright 1997 by The Daily Gazette. All rights reserved.

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