
College Boosts 85 At First of Three Booster Clinics

Swarthmore held a COVID-19 booster clinic for students, faculty, and staff on Jan. 21 and plans to host three more in February, March, and April, according to Student Health Services Director Casey Anderson.  The college’s push for the Swarthmore community to receive

Health Services Should Be Expanded

One of the most important features of an accessible campus is affordable, high-quality health care. Swarthmore should prioritize accessibility, but it is simply not doing enough to make the campus accessible. The services offered by Worth Health Center need improvements in order

After Philly Outbreak, Mumps Emerges at Swat

Two days after informing the campus community that a student had symptoms of mumps, Director of Health & Wellness Services Alice Holland confirmed that the student did in fact have the disease on April 19. “Mumps is a highly contagious viral illness

Dance students encounter obstacles accessing physical therapy

Dance students at Swarthmore have access to physical therapy on campus to help treat injuries. However, there has been no direct, convenient way for students training in dance classes at the college to see a physical therapist, particularly one who has experience

Students dissatisfied with CAPS as demand rises

Last semester, a psychiatrist at Worth Health Center prescribed Calla Bush St. George ’20 SSRI inhibitors to help cope with anxiety. She began taking the medication on Jan 28.  A week into the course, she awoke to intense nausea and depression. “I just

Homecoming in Another Sense

When we write, it is best to write what we know. And not what we think we know, or what we would like to know. What I know is that I just moved into a new dorm, from Dana to Worth. I

Despite support, concussed students face pressures

One in five high school students who play contact sports suffer a concussion each year, according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. To facilitate recovery of concussed students, Swarthmore has a Concussion Team in place to support injured students. However, concussion

What do we need to stay healthy away from home?

Q: What is Swarthmore without its health center? A: Worthless (ba-dum-DUH). It seems to be that time of year again. I say this not with glee in my voice, but with a deep, throaty cough, the kind that disrupts a class and