visual art

Artist of the Week Elliot Kenaston on (De)construction

When Elliot Kenaston ’22 faced the prospect of spending his academic year confined indoors due to COVID, he opted to take a gap year instead to hone in on a new, tangible skill: woodworking. Elliot, who grew up in Fairbanks, Alaska, clearly
April 28, 2022

Artist of the Week Miranda Roelandt ’22

As senior Miranda Roelandt described her commencement into film photography, she recalled wanting to find a new way to convey the intersection between natural structures and freeform movement. Through the trial and error of learning film’s technical aspects, such as balancing chemicals
April 21, 2022

Artist of the Week Jacob Weitzner ’22 on Function and Form

You’ve probably seen Jacob Weitzner ’22 around campus sporting his handmade shoes and pandemic-era shoulder-length hair. Jacob has that indescribable quality that tells you upon first glance that he has a deep connection with nature. It’ll come as no surprise, then, that
February 24, 2022

Seeing Red Again: On Mark Rothko

Content Warning: This article contains imagery of suicide. Over winter break I took a long-awaited trip to the St. Louis Art Museum (SLAM). A few years ago, the SLAM built a new wing to house temporary exhibits, in addition to some contemporary
February 3, 2022

Art in the Era of Climate Catastrophe

The winter has been eerily mild. While the January temperatures reaching into the sixties have been a welcome break from heavy jackets and scarves, the pleasant days are a bittersweet indication of climate change. During the lukewarm limbo of winter break, I
January 30, 2020

A Private Look into Privations

I have four siblings, and my family is poor. Both circumstances meant that until I was sixteen, the farthest I had travelled from my home in New York was New Jersey. The first time I was able to leave the United States
January 30, 2020

Staff Art Steals the Show

As I made my way down to Kitao Gallery last Thursday, even from a distance I could hear music performances and lively conversation. The Staff Art Showcase was presented by Learning 4 Life, a mutual learning program seeking to create mutual respect
November 14, 2019

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