
Coronavirus Outbreak Disrupts Study Abroad

In addition to the tangible on-campus effect of coronavirus on international students, the outbreak has also impacted students studying abroad. Students studying in countries that have experienced extensive outbreaks have been faced with making quick decisions on whether to return home and
March 5, 2020

Visions of London

If we decide that, at its core, photography is most fundamentally concerned with capturing light, then a trip to London, that city of perennial grayness, presents a unique challenge. In my experience, the effect of London on the photographic eye is twofold.
November 15, 2018

Traveling is Not a Luxury

Throughout the last century or so, travel has not only become a much more affordable commodity, but has been picked up by the likes of Instagram influencers as a full-time job. With it’s ever increasing availability, it is no longer the stuff
November 8, 2018

Japan: Pearls of The Heisei Period

In the past few years, I have traveled to Japan multiple times, and every time was a wonderful experience. The country, which neighbors China, has a culture that is so similar to mine, yet so different sometimes. Even though we share the
October 4, 2018

Cuba: The Many Shades of Music

This is the second part of a two-part photo essay Jiang created. The first part, focused on Mexico, was published in the last issue of the Phoenix and can be found online. After a short trip in Mexico, I went to
September 20, 2018

A call for access

At this midpoint in the semester, most students find themselves in their routine. Thanks to the colored tabs in my calendar, I know when I must get out of bed, and alarms will guarantee that I will actually start my day five
March 29, 2018

We got a right to pick a little fight, Bonanza

Justo fabulas singulis at pri, saepe luptatum mei an. Duo idque solet scribentur eu, natum iudico labore te eos, no utinam tibique nam. Viderer labitur nostrud et per, disputationi mediocritatem necessitatibus ex eam. Verterem qualisque no per. Id oratio veritus antiopam duo,
December 24, 2017

My entrance exam was on a book of matches

Ei mei scripta intellegat. Verear voluptaria eam at, consul putent eu vel. Pro saepe maluisset ne, audire maiorum forensibus eos et. Diceret detraxit vis at. Eum et idque tollit assentior, ullum soleat usu id.
April 5, 2017
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