Title IX Office

Clery Act Report Shows 2018 Crime Trends

On October 1st, the Public Safety released the Annual Fire Safety and Security Report, as required by the Clery Act, which provides information and statistics about crimes reported on college campuses. The report details data for crimes that happen on Swarthmore’s campus.
December 5, 2019

College Title IX Policy to Remain in Effect

In an email sent on Sept. 22, President Valerie Smith assured students, faculty and staff that college IX policy would remain in effect despite the rescission of Obama-era guidelines for college investigations of sexual misconduct, which was announced earlier that day by
September 28, 2017

Voices of Healing

“I had that feeling you get —there is no word for this feeling— when you are simultaneously happy and sad and angry and grateful and accepting and appalled and every other possible emotion, all smashed together and amplified. Why is there no
April 20, 2017

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