theater department

TOAP: Swarthmore’s Production Ensemble Goes Virtual

Marketed as a webinar aimed to change your life, I knew little of The Theater of All Possibilities prior to entering the show. Swarthmore’s website seemed intent on keeping me in the dark, describing TOAP as “a method, a community, and a
February 20, 2021

Time-hopping “Earthquakes in London” to show in LPAC

“Earthquakes in London,” written in 2010 by British playwright Mike Bartlett, is a pro-divestment family drama that stretches from 50 years in the past to 500 years in the future.  The show is set in London, where there may or may not
December 4, 2014

Three Sisters, Triple the Fun

Fear not, Students of Swarthmore. Your weekends of plodding wearily from a highly contentious frat party to a socially acceptable Paces party are over. Those moments of gazing mournfully at LPAC on your way from the Science building to Sharples, wishing that
April 4, 2013

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