CS tenure talks reflect department’s unprecedented growth

In the last two weeks, the computer science department, known for its increasing size and consequent lotteries, conducted tenure talks in order to hire a new tenure track professor. The first talk was marked by a joke about the CS lottery amongst


Atshan moved to tenure track position

This semester, Sa’ed Atshan ’06 joined the peace and conflict studies program as a full time tenure track faculty member. Atshan joined the program in the fall of 2015 as a visiting professor. After three semesters of teaching several well-received courses and


Despite student pushback, Gregory King departs

Despite a letter of protest from students and his application for a tenure-track position at the college, Visiting Assistant Professor of Dance and Postdoctoral Fellow Gregory King will be leaving Swarthmore at the end of the 2015-16 academic year. King, a former


Professors call for increased faculty diversity

Of the 180 tenure and tenure-track faculty positions at the college, 45 percent are occupied by women and 36 percent are occupied by individuals who identify as members of racial and ethnic minority groups. Of the 75 female tenure and tenure-track faculty

Hire professors sooner rather than later

Academics are central to life at Swarthmore — Friday evening is largely indistinguishable from any other night here — both in and outside of the classroom, and many of us chose Swarthmore for precisely this reason. We pressed “send” on our applications

Obtaining tenure a lengthy process at Swarthmore

Though students at the college may be unaware of the specifics of the tenure process, most can envision the security promised by a tenured position at the school. “An appointment with tenure means an appointment for the rest of your professional career,”

Not enough professors to go around

Over the past week, I have attended several department information sessions in preparation for the sophomore plan. More than any of the requirements, recommendations and advice on the proper way to explain a major choice to disapproving family members, what has stuck