One week after the leak, we ask: why did those who had access to lewd Phi Psi party recaps remain silent over the six years for which these documents existed? And was this just an isolated incident — a snapshot in time,
RECEIVING THE FILES Last week, members of The Phoenix and Voices were sent an unsolicited set of Phi Psi’s internal documents from past years. The folder included documents detailing pledge tasks for members who were initiated in 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2016,
On Monday, April 1, core members of the group Organizing for Survivors stood on Parrish Steps to announce their second set of demands, including both new criticisms and a re-emphasis of previously some unaddressed demands which were first presented last spring. Since
On October 10, the student body received an email from Nathan Miller, dean of the senior class and director of student conduct, announcing the first annual Student Conduct Report. The report provides a catalogue of student misconduct cases and outcomes for the
The college is considering instituting a hearing process for sexual assault cases that would not require the complainant to sit in the same room as the respondent, college officials told Phoenix staff in a press conference earlier this week. They also said