student theater

Finally, Representation that Lesbians Can Be Extremely Toxic

A simple stage setup in Upper Tarble did not stop the cast and crew of “Gay Heathers” from putting on a stellar and outstanding show. Complete with passionate performances, colorful costumes, and representation of lesbians being extremely toxic, “Gay Heathers” was incredibly
April 28, 2022

TOAP: Swarthmore’s Production Ensemble Goes Virtual

Marketed as a webinar aimed to change your life, I knew little of The Theater of All Possibilities prior to entering the show. Swarthmore’s website seemed intent on keeping me in the dark, describing TOAP as “a method, a community, and a
February 20, 2021

One Act Festival Offers Disparate Drama

The annual One Act Festival kicked off in LPAC mainstage on Friday, with a matinée the following afternoon and a final performance Saturday night. The festival consisted of three original half-hour plays, all written, directed, produced, and acted by students. The show
February 6, 2020

Bedroom Scene Breaks Boundaries on Stage

Last weekend on LPAC main stage a student theater production took place, transforming the grand space into an intimate environment between student and actor. With a bed as its centerpiece, actors wandered around on stage before the show began, in a moment
October 31, 2019

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