student artist

Artist of the Week Elliot Kenaston on (De)construction

When Elliot Kenaston ’22 faced the prospect of spending his academic year confined indoors due to COVID, he opted to take a gap year instead to hone in on a new, tangible skill: woodworking. Elliot, who grew up in Fairbanks, Alaska, clearly
April 28, 2022

Artist of the Week Miranda Roelandt ’22

As senior Miranda Roelandt described her commencement into film photography, she recalled wanting to find a new way to convey the intersection between natural structures and freeform movement. Through the trial and error of learning film’s technical aspects, such as balancing chemicals
April 21, 2022

Artist of the Week Elizabeth Labows ’22 on Balance

When Elizabeth Labows ’22 first showed me her senior studio on the third floor of Beardsley earlier this semester, I was delighted by the large ceramic vessels and sculptural pieces lining the room. It’s easy to picture her spending countless hours drafting
March 31, 2022

Artist of the Week Jacob Weitzner ’22 on Function and Form

You’ve probably seen Jacob Weitzner ’22 around campus sporting his handmade shoes and pandemic-era shoulder-length hair. Jacob has that indescribable quality that tells you upon first glance that he has a deep connection with nature. It’ll come as no surprise, then, that
February 24, 2022

Ari Liloia’s “ghost town,” A Brief Review

Almost exactly one year ago, Ari Liloia ’21 released his first album, a tight twenty-five minute ASMR-ambient masterpiece entitled “ghost town,” which can be listened to on Spotify, bandcamp, and SoundCloud. In sixteen tracks, including “charged places 1” and “host town,” Ari
February 10, 2022

Artist of the Week Selma Wu ’25 on Visual Experiences

“I’m always a very visual person,” expressed Selma Wu ’25. During our interview, I came to realize that Selma is both humble and interdisciplinarily talented, having had no professional training in art but rather a lifelong experience with optical aesthetics. In fact,
February 10, 2022

Artist of the Week: Yanyi Liu on Art and Design

Perhaps you’ve noticed this past week that some Swarthmore students have been sporting matching long-sleeved white t-shirts. The back of the shirt uses light green and yellow tones to depict three campus scenes with an intersection of nature and architecture, painted by
November 18, 2021

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