staff editorial

In a Time of Unknowns, Here’s Where The Phoenix Stands

With (some) fences removed, the arboretum shining under a long streak of sunny days, and homework loads piling up, Swarthmore might feel as familiar and predictable as ever. Yet this year, the 156th of instruction in Swarthmore’s history, is marked by uncertainty.
September 19, 2024

Farewell to The Phoenix, Hello to The Bhoenix

To commemorate a full year into the painful pandemic, three weeks ago, The [former] Phoenix Editorial Board published a staff editorial entitled “Reflecting on The Phoenix One Year Into the Pandemic.” We reflected on how The Phoenix had changed during that one
April 1, 2021

Looking Back On Fall 2019

As another semester comes to a close, we at The Phoenix are taking time to reflect on this semester’s events and our coverage of them. In this final editorial of Fall 2019, we’re highlighting articles that capture the culture, events, and accomplishments
December 5, 2019

On Anonymous Hate and Reductive Discourse

Last week, many Swarthmore students received emails asking them to join the anonymous app, Looped. The emails specifically referenced discourse about the party scene at Swarthmore. At the same time, many anonymous posts were submitted to the comments section of one of
November 21, 2019

Breaks Should Be Breaks

Thanksgiving break is approaching, a time that many students spend with family and friends. It’s in the name, yet when the time comes, the last thing it feels like is a break. On many breaks, including Fall and Spring Break, some professors
November 14, 2019

Go Vote!

On Tuesday, Nov. 5, residents of Delaware County will vote in local elections. Three positions for County Council are on the ballot, as well as the District Attorney, Judge of the Superior Court, four positions on the Court of Common Pleas, and
October 31, 2019

On Respect for EVS and Dining Services Staff

We at The Phoenix thank EVS and Dining Services staff members for their hard work to keep Swarthmore running. We know that they keep our campus clean and sanitary and make the food that we eat. Students often take these things for
October 10, 2019

On Belonging

As students of the college, we are often privy to “imposter syndrome” — the feeling of not belonging and being an “admissions mistake.” The Orientation Play serves to preemptively combat the presence of imposter syndrome on campus, reassuring students — mainly the
February 7, 2019

Support Indigenous Peoples

On Monday, Swarthmore recognized Indigenous Peoples Day, joining an effort made by many to disentangle and reclaim the widely recognized holiday Columbus Day from its colonialist roots. In light of this, we at The Phoenix think that it is necessary for students,
October 11, 2018

This has happened before: we must remember our history

Over the last few weeks, the Swarthmore community has been inundated with student activism. Students are voicing their concerns and taking actions to make clear that they are dissatisfied with administrative policies around campus. One of the most recent student movements has
March 29, 2018

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