
Dear Prospective Swattie: What We Want You to Know

Welcome to Swat! As you attend admitted student events, go to the activities fair, and explore campus, we at The Phoenix want to impart on you some of our insights about the College to help you in your deliberative process. Each member
April 11, 2019

Eight things Specs Should Know before Choosing Swat

For all its eccentricities, strengths, and flaws, I really love Swarthmore. It is a quirky, nerdy, beautiful place full of amazing people —some of whom I’ve met already, others whom I’m excited to one day meet. It’s true, Swat is not for
April 13, 2017

Over Sharples dinner: an ode to specs

— When confronted by someone new at Swat, do you think you take the “flight” or the “fight” response? “I don’t know. It depends.” — Yeah, I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about the awkwardness of eye contact in Sharples a lot
April 16, 2015

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