social justice - Page 4

Editorial: Missing a Crucial Chance on MLK Day

In Center City on Monday, thousands of protesters took to the streets. Meanwhile, most Swarthmore students sat down at their desks and began the spring semester. Is there merit to the claim that we can honor the people these holidays celebrate by
January 22, 2015

Finally breaking the silence on justice

Our college constantly touts its commitment to social justice, and though we often fall short in our actions, both as individuals and as an institution, the last two weeks have proven that it’s not an entirely empty commitment. Students organized a moment
December 4, 2014

Drumming and dancing bring unique form of unity

This semester, Sedinam Worlanyo ’17 and Eileen Hou ’16 worked as interns for Intergenerational Drum and Dance Project, which involves about 28 participants, mostly from the Greater Philadelphia community. Every Saturday morning for  four weeks, the participants attended a class at the
April 24, 2014

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