sgo - Page 2

Fall Formal’s Been Cancelled…What’s Next?

As Swarthmore students are settling in and getting used to their class schedules, a general buzz of both excitement and slight panic has ensued. As weekends free up, students have begun looking for ways to spend their free time. Many students were
September 23, 2021

SGO Prepares for Another Virtual Semester

On February 9, SGO elected four new members for the 2021 Spring semester. The new SGO members include Sara Asgari ’23 and Huiying Xiao ’23, who will serve as senators for the class of 2023, as well as Fiona Stewart ’24 for
February 26, 2021

Faculty Extend Spring Semester Add/Drop Period

On February 10, the Provost’s Office informed the student body of the faculty’s recent decision to extend the add/drop period for the Spring 2021 semester. According to the email, the last day to drop a course will be Friday, April 16 and
February 20, 2021

SGO Elects New Leaders, Sees Increase in Voter Turnout

On April 13, Murtaza Ukani ’22 and Ella Vetter ’22 were announced as the new Student Government Organization President and Vice President respectively for the 2020-2021 school year. There were three different pairs running for President and Vice President this year. Ukani
May 9, 2020

SGO Launches New Website

On Feb. 11, Student Government Organization President Kat Capossela ’21 sent an email to the student body announcing SGO’s new website. SGO worked with Swarthmore College Computer Society to host the website on the SCCS server. The website explains the mission and
February 27, 2020

SGO Facilitates Open Dialogue with C.A.P.S.

On Feb. 11, Student Government Organization (SGO) hosted a talk with Interim Dean of Students Jim Terhune and the head of C.A.P.S., Dr. David Ramirez. The talk was part of a new series run by SGO and was intended to provide students
February 20, 2020
Swarthmore SEPTA station at sunset

OSE and SGO SEPTA Lottery in Transition

Opportunities for students to travel into Philadelphia cost-free are currently more limited than usual due to the absence of the SEPTA lottery. The future of the lottery is uncertain — its original funding source ran out and changes to the SEPTA system
October 3, 2019

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