sexual misconduct

College Title IX Policy to Remain in Effect

In an email sent on Sept. 22, President Valerie Smith assured students, faculty and staff that college IX policy would remain in effect despite the rescission of Obama-era guidelines for college investigations of sexual misconduct, which was announced earlier that day by
September 28, 2017

Report calls for sexual misconduct policy shifts

This August, the Task Force on Sexual Misconduct submitted a 33-page report presenting its findings on campus attitudes and policies related to issues of sexual abuse and violence. Incorporating insights from 16 months’ worth of open dialogue, document-based research and private conversations
October 2, 2014

College asks judge to dismiss expulsion suit

The college has fired back in its first full response to a lawsuit filed January 23 by an expelled student. This Friday, the college filed a motion to completely dismiss the complaint filed by John Doe (a pseudonym used by the student), which
March 27, 2014

Lawsuit details college’s sudden push to expel

Administrators at all levels allegedly implicated; college vows to fight in court A carefully constructed and vivid picture of the college administration’s reaction to the controversy surrounding its handling of sexual assault last spring emerges from the lawsuit filed by a former
February 20, 2014

Margolis Healy releases final report

After nine months reviewing the college’s sexual misconduct policies, Margolis Healy and Associates (MHA) completed a final report of its recommendations for making the campus safer and ensuring compliance with Title IX, the Clery Act and the Campus SAVE Act. The report
February 7, 2014

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