Based on the comments from last week’s column and the advent of the Queer/Trans Conference, I thought that it would be a good idea to write a basic column dissecting general cultural thinking about sex.
Hookups are not really hard to do. With the right combination of Paces ambiance, inebriation, and blessing from God, most of us could find someone willing to go home with us at least most evenings, if we are not even remotely picky.
When we are little, no one ever teaches us how to properly break up with someone. This is a shame, given that most of us will have to be on either side of the exchange at least once in our lives.
I recently passed a milestone that I feel compelled to share. I just celebrated my Selfiversary. For those of you who don’t know what this dumb made-up word means, it means that I have been single for over a year.
The marriage standard devalues any relationship that doesn’t climax in a white dress ceremony with a violin quartet version of Bittersweet Symphony, 200 witnesses, and a cake the size of a Smart Car. So I was thinking about what my alternate definitions
Asking someone out is really about three factors: 1. Appearing not creepy 2. Getting your point across 3. Convincing yourself that the question and the answer are not a big deal.
During my time on this campus and the years before it (as the Gazette and Phoenix archives tell me), there have been eight sex columns and not a single relationship column.
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