
Athlete of the Week: Sophie Goodwin ’27

Sophie Goodwin ’27, a first-year from San Antonio, TX, shined at the Ursinus Track & Field Festival on Saturday in Collegeville, PA. Goodwin won the steeplechase event with a time of 11:38.41, earning a personal record. The first year is now ranked
April 11, 2024

A Swarthmore Take on the LOVE Run Philly

Philadelphia held its annual BMW Love Run Half Marathon last Sunday. Starting at the early hour of 7:30 a.m, in 29°F weather, 11,000 runners from 48 different states began their 13.1 mile journey around Philadelphia. Amongst the multitude of runners were several
March 28, 2024

Athlete of the Week: Cohen Manges ’27

Cohen Manges ’27, from Mechanicsburg, PA, dominated at Lehigh University’s Paul Short Run last Saturday. The cross country first-year took ninth place in the White Race, Lehigh’s competition for Division III teams, clocking a time of 26:06.7 on the 8-kilometer course. Manges’s
October 5, 2023

Running the Virginia Beach Marathon

There is an indescribable magic that lingers in the air at the starting line of a marathon. Hearts pound in anticipation, and minds buzz with a mix of excitement and trepidation. This was the profound sensation that enveloped me as I stood
April 6, 2023

The City of Brotherly Love Hosts the Love Run

On Your Mark! Get Set! Love! This past weekend, on Sunday, March 26, the city of Philadelphia hosted one of its largest races. Commonly known as the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia staged its annual Love Run, a half marathon (13.1 miles)
March 30, 2023

Athlete of the Week: Aidan Cantine ’23

Aidan Cantine ’23, a senior from Ridgewood, N.J., finished fourth overall in the men’s mile at the NCAA championship meet this past weekend in Birmingham, A.L. His time of 4:05.36 broke the Swarthmore program record and earned him All-American status. This meet
March 16, 2023

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