Symbolic space: Quakerism is good for Swarthmore

Op-Ed by Ben Goossen Over the past few days I have heard many student and faculty conversations generated by Sam Zhang’s column “Why Quakerism at Swarthmore is counterproductive” in the 11/03/11 issue of The Phoenix. While I would like to thank Sam

Why Quakerism at Swarthmore is counterproductive

Here’s a true story: once when the guy in front of me forgot his ID card in the Science Center café, I bought his gum for him. It cost a dollar. Someone said sort of sarcastically, “Oh look, Quaker values in action.”

The state and future of Quakerism at Swarthmore

Op-Ed by Ben Goossen I would like to copy the campus community to the following letter, sent to President Rebecca Chopp, regarding the state and future of Quakerism at the college. I invite comments, discussion and debate: I am a founding member

Alumni panel reflects on Quaker ties to activism

On Monday evening a panel of Quaker alumni held a discussion about activism and faith in the Scheuer Room of Kohlberg Hall. The Quaker Activist Alumni Panel consisted of four panelists invited back to campus by Joyce Tompkins, a campus Religious Advisor: