pterodactyl hunt

Pterodactyl Hunt Returns After Year-Long Break

The days leading up to the Pterodactyl Hunt were uncertain. Would the year of isolated learning leave attendance at an all time low? Would the busy Garnet Weekend schedule detract from this Swarthmore tradition? Despite the fears, at 7 p.m. on Saturday,
October 28, 2021

For one night a year, everything flies

If you can manage to type out “pterodactyl” correctly, put “Pterodactyl Hunt” into the Google search bar. The query is strange, and one might not suspect that such a phrase would return as many results as it does. Amongst the crop: “Pterodactyl
October 23, 2014

From Pholk to Psi Phi: Evolution of the ‘Dactyl

The Swarthmore pterodactyl hunt is a tradition like no other. Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, is almost certainly the only place in the world where in early October, pterodactyls take over campus, and a grueling battle for freedom ensues. A whole host of other monsters
October 3, 2013

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