How Swarthmore’s President Was Chosen

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. On Saturday,

Editorial: In Valerie Smith, a great choice

We at the Phoenix would like to congratulate the Board of Managers and the Presidential Search Committee on their selection of Valerie Smith as the new President of the College. We are confident that when she begins next fall, she will prove

Presidential Search Committee begins candidate interviews

Last Thursday, the Presidential Search Committee sent an email to students and faculty with an update on the search for the college’s next president. The new president will permanently replace former President Rebecca Chopp, who accepted an offer to be the new

The problem with using firms to find college administrators

To the editor: I write with regard to the article on the presidential search process, published in the September 25 issue of the Phoenix. As noted there, the presidential search committee has retained the firm of Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates, which has been

Presidential committee begins search for Chopp replacement

The search for a permanent successor to Rebecca Chopp, who resigned this summer, has begun ramping up with a call for community feedback in the selection process by the newly-created Presidential Search Committee. The committee, working in partnership with the executive hiring

An opportunity for change

With the recent departure of Rebecca Chopp and the announcement of the new presidential search committee, is there any better time to talk about the role of a college president? First, a brief retrospective: during her tenure as president, Chopp raised unprecedented

Board announces members of the presidential search committee

Today, Board of Managers member Salem Shuchman ‘84 announced the members of the presidential search committee, including himself as the chair. The committee is composed of board members, alumni, faculty, administrators and students for full representation of the campus community, according to