
The Suburban Housewife’s Jihad

Some stories are so bizarre, striking readers from such a radically unconventional angle, that they must, it seems, reveal something new. Such is the story of Colleen “JihadJane” LaRose, a story that tells us a little bit about international terrorism, globalization, radical
April 2, 2010

Make Sure You Know What You’re Signing Onto

I had a great time at Global Health Forum’s “Minus Malaria” variety show, but I left uneasy. I signed a letter supporting malaria prevention policies, and in doing so, I was guilty of perpetrating a classic act of uninformed democracy. A one
March 3, 2010

It’s Time to leave Afghanistan

Like the overwhelming majority of conservative commentators, David Brooks of The New York Times has come out in favor of sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan. Underlying his perspective is a tacit, and utterly wrong, assumption: that winning in Afghanistan is crucial
November 10, 2009

Afghanistan is Vietnam

American troops patrol in a far-off land. The crafters of American foreign policy in Washington have laid down an ultimatum. Though few Americans have any interest in this place, it will not be allowed to fall to the opposition, at any cost.
September 23, 2009

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