
I Miss Snooki

Summer 2009. The sun is shining, the waves are waving, and Obama is president. The Jersey Shore, as it’s colloquially referred to, is a hotspot for teenagers and youngsters in their twenties searching for a place to relax and spend time with
April 4, 2024

Poetry, Science, and the Human Condition

In academia these days, it is hard to escape the seemingly stagnant binary set up between STEM and the humanities. For many people, committing to one of these worlds feels like a departure from the other in such a way that renders
February 10, 2022

Reflecting on Denice Frohman

Six years ago, in my first year of high school, I watched a spoken word poem performed online entitled, “Dear Straight People.” For the first time I heard the words, “Dear Queer Young Girl, I see you. You don’t want them to
March 21, 2019


You died a day before the ceasefire. Another tally they forget but we remember. You were born on national day: an honor they don’t deserve. They cheer in the city square, Their planes fly past like vultures, their fireworks explode like
April 26, 2018

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