Photo essay

Type Two Fun: My Earth Day Photo Dump

I have, in a conservative estimate, roughly 3,000 nature photos taking up iCloud storage on my phone. They fill my Instagram and my camera roll, and I’m way more likely to have a photo of whatever specific mountain you can name than
April 28, 2022

Jewel Tones in July: Life in a Vital Marsh

Eagle Marsh, a 831-acre wetland nature preserve in my hometown of Fort Wayne, Indiana, is one of the best places on the planet. It’s not up for discussion — it’s just a fact. The Little River Wetlands Project acquired the land in
October 21, 2021

Birds I’ve Met and the Peace I’ve Found

In March 2020, barely into the throes of the pandemic, Nick Lund (my favorite bird writer) wrote an article for Slate titled, “You Have No Choice but to Become a Backyard Birder.” Though perhaps a little threatening, he was right. I had
September 9, 2021

A Private Look into Privations

I have four siblings, and my family is poor. Both circumstances meant that until I was sixteen, the farthest I had travelled from my home in New York was New Jersey. The first time I was able to leave the United States
January 30, 2020

Working Women: Portraits of Rural Labor in Southern Vermont

Throughout my multimedia documentary project “Glass Door” (parts of which have been featured in two previous Phoenix issues), I have become increasingly interested in not only how one’s work informs identity, but how the identities of workers inform the overall culture of
April 18, 2019

The Paper Jungle: Meet The Phoenix

Published since 1881, The Phoenix is the independent campus newspaper of Swarthmore College. It is run entirely by students, and is published in print and online at every Thursday during the academic year except during examination and vacation periods. The Phoenix’s
April 4, 2019

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