phoenix - Page 2

Updates to Quoting Policy

Coming off of election years, national news publications, such as the New York Times, cite issues with campaign offices having tight lips and hesitant hands. The offices revise, redact, and reform quotes to fit a narrative. Journalists have trouble developing stories because
February 23, 2017

Phoenix forum yields feedback

You came. You saw. You roasted. Sort of. The Phoenix held a forum in Shane Lounge yesterday evening in response to conversations that the editorial board had amongst itself and with members of the wider college community. As we explained in our
September 15, 2016

Phoenix moves to “Latinx”

“Hey, do we correct for ‘Latinx’?” was a question that baffled the copy editors at the Phoenix some weeks ago. The Associated Press handbook, always consulted and ready at hand, had none of its usual wisdom to offer on this particular occasion.
April 14, 2016

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