philosophy - Page 2

Bias 101: Introduction to one perspective

Introductory courses are often a student’s first academic exposure to a new field. It stands to reason then that the more perspective one gains into a field, the more breadth they gain in their understanding.  And still some introductory courses are taught
March 20, 2014

Free Market Fairness

On Monday, I attended Brown Professor John Tomasi’s talk on his book “Free Market Fairness,” where he attempted to offer a theoretical framework for uniting libertarian theories on free markets with theories of social justice. I had anticipated a predictable talk, outlining
March 6, 2014

Something It Is Like To Be A Human Being

“Inner perception is a fiction which was conjured into existence in order to explain how things are with us,” said Peter Hacker, an eminent philosopher who spoke to a gathered crowd of philosophy professors, students, and other interested attendees on Friday, November
November 14, 2013

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