Student Protests, Hunger Strike Follow Phi Psi Sit-In

[Editor’s note: This article addresses events that happened in the Spring 2019 semester after our last regular issue of The Phoenix was published. Now that the school year and our coverage has resumed, we are covering these events now because they are

College Releases External Reports, Next Steps To Follow

On August 30, 2019, Jim Terhune, dean of students, released the reports of two separate investigations that the college initiated last May in response to events last semester. One examined the fraternity documents which were reported on by The Phoenix and Voices

SwatTeam Leadership Statement: End Fraternity Violence

We, the members of SwatTeam Leadership, would like to reach out to the Swarthmore community to address our role at events, including fraternity parties, in light of recent reporting about various violations of student safety committed by the fraternities. These complaints include