
Swarthmore and the Urban Politics of SEPTA

On Nov. 22, at the Frankford Transportation Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro announced he was directing Secretary of Transportation Mike Carroll to devote $153 million of federal highway funding to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA). The decision comes after
December 5, 2024

General Election 2022: What are the Stakes?

Although the Pennsylvania general election does not take place until Nov. 8, committed Swarthmore students and on-campus organizations such as Swarthmore Democrats and the non-partisan voting group SwatVotes, have begun mobilizing their efforts towards voter registration and increasing voter turnout. According to
September 15, 2022

Swarthmore Community Pushes to Get Out the vote

Despite Swarthmore’s widely-held reputation as a college committed to democratic engagement, more than half of Swarthmore students did not exercise their civic right to vote in the 2016 and 2018 elections. Seeking to rectify this shortcoming and placing a high value on
October 30, 2020

Acting on Pennsylvania’s Clean Power Plan

We write this op-ed to express our frustration at the recent Supreme Court decision to block the Clean Power Plan, an important piece of climate change legislation that had the potential to drastically reduce U.S. carbon emissions. We strongly encourage Pennsylvania legislators
March 24, 2016

A change of guard

Pennsylvania is broken. While neighboring New York is poised to have a surplus of over $4 billion next year, our state is anticipating a $1.3 billion deficit. It is facing mounting pension costs. Philadelphia schools are falling apart. Yet in spite of
October 9, 2014

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