Peace and Conflict Studies

Atshan, Thakkar Discuss Pacifism in Emergency Night Owls Event

On Saturday, Nov. 18, Assistant Political Science Professor Jonny Thakkar hosted a Night Owls event on pacifism with Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies Sa’ed Atshan. Night Owls is a philosophical discussion forum started at Swarthmore by Thakkar this semester. At the
November 30, 2023

Palestine Is Not a Policy Decision

In American media, the issue of the Israeli occupation of Palestine typically only appears in a limited number of contexts, namely discussions of policy/negotiations to create “peace” and American military expansion. Most recently, the so-called “Middle East Peace Plan” from the Trump
February 27, 2020

Peace and conflict studies gains regular major

On Oct. 13, following a unanimous vote by the faculty, the college approved a regular major in peace and conflict studies. The major requires eight credits in PCS, and the minor requires five credits, according to an email sent by PCS program
November 2, 2017

Atshan moved to tenure track position

This semester, Sa’ed Atshan ’06 joined the peace and conflict studies program as a full time tenure track faculty member. Atshan joined the program in the fall of 2015 as a visiting professor. After three semesters of teaching several well-received courses and
January 26, 2017

Israel/Palestine Film Series Prompts Discourse

After its successful debut last year, the Israel/Palestine Film Series is returning this semester in an attempt to supplement the analytical study of Israeli and Palestinian politics and to shed some light on the underlying emotional complexities of the conflict. Last Wednesday,
September 22, 2016

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