Building Community and Connecting with our Neighbors

Now, more than ever, is an important time for journalism: it is time to build up our communities and connect with those we might not otherwise – to learn from others’ experiences, listen to people’s stories, and share them throughout our circles.


College Announces Updates to COVID-19 Policies

On Thursday, March 24, President Valerie Smith sent out an email to students, faculty, and staff members informing the community that the COVID-19 Planning Committee had made updates to the current politics and procedures regarding COVID-19. The biggest change to the campus

Did Swarthmore Change or Did I?

Two weeks ago, some percentage of Swarthmore students returned in the freezing weather to another batch of liminal Swarthmore. By liminal Swarthmore, I refer to the mix of synchronous and asynchronous classwork, the long treks to and from Sharples with the chill

Full Occupancy: Housing Circumstances During Fall 2021

With the Fall 2021 semester underway, students are beginning to shift focus and concerns away from their housing situations to academics. As the college returns to full student occupancy on campus, however, living arrangements have proved to be another challenge for both

Pandemic Freshmen

When you’re a little kid, you have a general idea of what your first day in college will look like. Suitcases in hand and a backpack on your shoulders, you walk across a crowded campus, green as eager upperclassmen shove club posters


The High Price of Remote Learning

March marked one year of the pandemic. One year of “unprecedented times” and emails “hoping to find you well.” Unfortunately, not everyone has been well this year.  According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “Eighty percent of students around the