newsletter - Page 18

The Swarthmore Twitter-Sphere: Artist Profiles

When thinking of starting a series in which I would delve into the dark depths of the Swarthmore Twitter-Sphere and profile infamous Swarthmore Twitter users, I went back and forth as to whether or not it should happen. As they say, “What
November 1, 2018

It’s Too Late for Positivity

The World Wildlife Fund just published a new report on climate change, and they essentially said that if by 2020 we, as a global community, don’t make drastic commitments to limiting fossil fuel emissions, we could be living in a drastically different
November 1, 2018

Voting to Uphold Justice

As acts of violence and social injustice have become more prominent, I have taken pride in being a part of the Swarthmore community. Often, I feel at a loss for how to address large-scale social issues. But I have gained strength in
November 1, 2018

Swarth Her? I Hardly Know Her

Now that I can confidently say that life at Swarthmore is not going terribly, it’s weird to imagine going back to a life outside of our little college. So two weeks ago, facing down all the homework and visiting and traveling and
November 1, 2018

Love is in the Bin — and Public Art Too?

Banksy’s most well-known work, “Girl with Balloon,” sold for $1.4 million at Sotheby’s on Friday, October 5th. Minutes after the pounding gavel confirmed the sale, alarms sounded and a wave of exclamation went through the auction house. Banksy’s painting had shredded itself.
October 25, 2018

Christopher K. Morgan and Artists comes to Swat

While most Swatties were gradually adjusting to campus life in early September, Lia D’Alessandro ’21 was sweating it out in Troy Dance Lab. “We had a tough weekend dancing from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day,” she said. “We were hungry,
October 25, 2018

Swarthmore Should Divest from Israeli Apartheid Now

Editors Note: This article is a part of “Swat Takes,” a curated conversation between two authors about a contentious topic. This article is in conversation with an article written by Rebekah Katz entitled “BDS is a Denial of My Existence.” This is
October 25, 2018

BDS is a Denial of My Existence

Editors Note: This article is a part of “Swat Takes,” a curated conversation between two authors about a contentious topic. This article is in conversation with an article written by Matthew Koucky entitled “Swarthmore Should Divest from Israeli Apartheid Now.” The headline
October 25, 2018

The Sharples 24* Hour Challenge

It was an obscenely beautiful day at Swarthmore College –– one that we never got to see. Waking up after three hours of drunken night terrors, we raced to a ribbon cutting ceremony that would mark the beginning of our descent into
October 11, 2018

Lenny Seidman’s ARC: A Reconciliation of Diverse Traditions

Lenny Seidman’s latest project “ARC”a full length performance suite that combines tabla and taiko drumming with contemporary dance and Japanese butoh, was presented at Swarthmore College on October 5th, 2018. “ARC” derives its name from the intention of the performance: to identify
October 11, 2018

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