
Where I’m From

I usually don’t like telling people at Swarthmore where I’m from. This is because I can inevitably predict what they’re going to say when I tell them that I’m from Hawaii, which usually falls along the lines of “Oh, how lovely! My
September 28, 2023

Students Participate in Spring “Screw” in New Venue

On Saturday, Feb. 11, costumed students filled the Dining and Community Commons for the biannual Screw Your Roommate event, a Swarthmore tradition where roommates set one another up on blind dates. Despite Screw’s longevity (originally starting in the 1980s), it is not
February 16, 2023

Semester in Review

During this fall semester, The Phoenix collectively dedicated ourselves to living up to our new mission statement: “We, The Phoenix, aim to empower and serve our community through timely and relevant coverage, continually striving for a fuller grasp of excellence, accuracy, and
December 1, 2022

Editorial: Semester in Review 

This semester, we have been exceedingly fortunate to serve the Swarthmore community with enriching and thoughtful pieces. Putting a newspaper together late into the night is by no means an easy feat and could only be possible with our amazing team of
April 28, 2022

The Week in Headlines

New Covid Variant and Life Form Simultaneously Evolve in Primordial Soup of Swat Prom  Looking to Attract More Students, McCabe Library to Allow Smoking Indoors Small Craft Warnings and Kitao Gallery Showcase Jonathan Franzen’s Nudes in Collaborative Exhibition  RA Hosts Event Revealing
April 1, 2022

Editorial: We Have Too Many Writers

Since publishing our previous editorial detailing all the different ways to be a part of The Phoenix, we have been flooded by a deluge of article contributions. So hear us out: please stop writing for us! We have never had a problem
April 1, 2022

Relaunched Ski Club Draws Huge Interest on First Trip

When Swarthmore Ski Club leader Jennifer He ’24 sent an email gauging interest in a downhill skiing trip to the mailing list of Outsiders, Swarthmore’s outing club, she expected a strong response. Still, the overwhelming level of student interest took her by
February 17, 2022

Editorial: Joining Our Community Conversation

Though we are more than a quarter of the way through the spring semester, the campus can still feel alien at times — more reminiscent of a picturesque landscape on an admissions brochure than an interdependent living community. The familiar faces, events,
February 10, 2022
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