music at swarthmore

Student Artists Perform at War3House 3

Student artists gathered last Saturday, April 30, in the “War3House 3,” a music venue located in the Ville, to perform for the Swarthmore community. Although not sponsored by the college, the concert was organized by the Orpheus Review club, a student-run online
April 28, 2022

Artist of the Week Fouad Dakwar on The Political Nature of Art

“I have this notebook from fourth grade, my songwriting notebook,” Fouad Dakwar ’22 recalls. “I didn’t know how to notate [songs] or anything, it’s just lyrics, but ever since then I’ve been making melodies.” Fouad Dakwar, a music and theatre honors special
September 26, 2019

Profiles in Art: Sebastian Dakey

In the United States, most music classes focus on the fundamentals of music theory. Music education involves the practical discipline, namely how composers create music using composition methods, tuning systems, and musical notation. Musicology, on the other hand, is its undervalued sociological
September 27, 2018

The Story of Slepoi

Aaron Slepoi ’17’s contribution to the arts at Swarthmore has spanned four years and countless projects in Swarthmore’s Music Department. From his work as a clarinetist in the College Orchestra to his role as an operations intern for Orchestra 2001, Slepoi has
March 30, 2017

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