movies - Page 3

Oscar’s crying game: the use & abuse of melancholy

Well, once again it’s the bleakest time of the year — mid-November, and Oscar season. Cold, dreary capitalism settles in as marketers and distributors ride a seemingly endless wave of red carpets and critics’ awards ceremonies that will carry them to the
November 17, 2011

Must we make a friend of horror, Colonel Kurtz?

In one of the most memorable scenes from “Apocalypse Now,” Marlon Brando, shrouded in shadow, hisses out (amidst other drug-fueled demagogic babblings) that “Horror has a face . . . and you must make a friend of Horror.” Brando’s Colonel Kurtz (and
November 3, 2011

Reasons to see indie film “Weekend” this weekend

There is a raging maniac urgency underneath the cucumber-cool surface of the limited-release Indie film — you know the type. We presuppose these “quiet” and “thought-provoking” and often “foreign” films to have a stable niche audience of art school students and masochistic
October 20, 2011

How to succeed in Hollywood without really trying

I am consistently mystified by the American box office — and not just those absurd moments when soul-dismemberingly bad movies retain the number-one slot for a second weekend (2008’s “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” or Nick Cage’s 2007 “Ghost Rider” — ugh). No, more
September 29, 2011

McCabe movie collection features untold variety

VHS and DVD shelves contain some old classics and new hits, as well as some unknowns Most Swarthmore students are painfully aware of our collective tendency to stay on campus. Swatties don’t always make it to a movie premiere or spend the evening in Media.
September 29, 2011

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